James' PSX Programming Page
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[Test Entry]
[Test Entry]
20 March 2001 - Warpgate is available for download. Go to "Downloads" below.
1 January 2001 - My entry into the y2kode competition, Warpgate, won me a Shinco DVD player!!! It was sponsored by Lik-Sang.
7 December 2000 - Have been working on Warpgate, 'cos it has to be finished by 23rd December, and it's starting to look (and sound) quite cool, even if it's not exactly original. I have also been working on a new project - PSXForth (Forth for the PSX!). Anyone interested in this, please email me.
14 October 2000 - added 2 snapshots of Warpgate, which is a W.I.P. game for the y2kode competition.
28 September 2000 - uploaded a faster version of the Coleco emu for PSX. Also uploaded my Asteroids emu for PSX, and my port of Bero's FCE (NES) emu for PSX. Get them from my downloads section below.
If you use mipsgcc for PSX, then here is my PSX SPU lib (version 2), which has many improvements, including a 4, 6, and 8-track
Protracker MOD player, ability to load VAB files, and much more. (Note: MOD file converter is in Hitmod package from Hitmen (see link at the bottom of this page).
The sound library has been merged into Rob Withey's mipsgcc PSX library, and his library has been fixed and expanded a bit. Text and font printing routines have been added. Anyone interested in contributing GTE/CDROM/whatever functions for this library, please mail me.
Here's Rob Withey's PSX Libs which you will need to install before you install my lib update (I think - I haven't checked!).
*** NEW *** Since I actually had to use my SPU lib for a few projects, I've noticed a few bugs and annoyances, so I'll release a newer version soon with fixes like:
- Switch for debug output (eg: SPU_Init(1) will enable debug output, SPU_Init(0) will switch it off.
- While SPU_VoiceOnMask() works, SPU_VoiceOn() doesn't seem to work properly.
- VAB handling functions don't seem to work properly - samples lengths are wrong and the sample loop info doesn't seem to be included in the actual sample data (probably in the "Program" section of the VAB). It'll probably be easier just to put the samples in a MOD file, and use them from there.
- Timer-based MOD player and fixes to MOD sample clicks if I can.
PSX Downloads:
- Download "Warpgate", a demo game and my entry to the Lik-Sang console programming competition.
- Download "LifeDemo", my first PSX demo.
- My second PSX demo, "Elite". The sound has been fixed, although one sample clicks a bit.
- "Lunar Lander", has also arrived here for your enjoyment!

- Voxel Gfx Demo ver 2. Uses ray-casting (wow!).

- StarLife Demo Stars with rotating cubes with "life" simulation mapping onto cube texture (!!!).
- ColemPSX 0.2a, my Colecovision emulator for PSX. This version is hardcoded for one ROM, "Kevtris", and runs at a respectable speed.
- First release of my Asteroids emulator for PSX. Runs at about 43 fps.
- First release of my NES emulator for PSX. Runs at about 20 fps, and is a port of Bero's FCE. This version is hardcoded for the Lode Runner rom "loderunr.nes".
Note: to actually view the above demo's, you'll have to use a PSX emulator, or upload them to your PSX if you have the gear.
Note2: don't ask me for roms!
Other PSX projects:
- Intellivision emu for PSX.
- Asteroids arcade game emulator - currently runs at 40 fps :{
- NES emulator (from Bero's FCE sources) - currently gets 20 fps :{
- ColemPSX - Colcovision emulator for PSX (with sound!) - 48 to 63 fps.
PSX Links
- PCSX Playstation Emulator (under development) A new PSX emulator for Windoze.
- Napalm PSX Development Site (still down?)
- Hitmen Playstation Archive
Created: 7 December 2000